What’s on the ballot in Cass County, Indiana in 2020?
Last Updated on October 22, 2020 by Cass County Online
We compiled information from the Indiana Association of Counties about the responsibilities of each county office on the ballot in November 2020.
Find info on when and where to vote in Cass County in the Nov. 3, 2020 election at https://casscountyonline.com/2020/09/2020-general-election-voting-information/
The commissioners are “the custodians of the home rule powers of the county.” (According to the National League of Cities, Home Rule is a delegation of power from the state to its sub-units of governments (including counties, municipalities, towns or townships or villages).
Under their legislative authority, the county commissioners can adopt ordinances that regulate behavior.
Specifically, the authority granted by Indiana law includes ordinances that
- provide for traffic control,
- establish minimum housing standards
- granting vacation pay, sick leave, paid holidays and other similar benefits to county employees
- administering elections in conjunction with the county election board,
- incorporating new towns and altering township boundary lines on petition.
Typically, county commissioners can exercise regulatory powers only in unincorporated areas of the county..
The Board of Commissioners also serves as the county executive and transacts the business of the county.
Their authority includes the following:
- auditing and authorizing claims against the county;
- receiving bids and authorizing contracts;
- controlling, maintaining, and supervising county property including courthouses, jails, and public offices;
- supervising construction and maintenance of roads and bridges;
- exercising appointive powers including both the selection of members to fill positions on boards, commissions, and committees, and appointments of certain department heads;
- planning and implementing strategies for solid waste handling as members of solid waste district boards.
All Indiana counties have three commissioners. Each county is divided into three districts and one commissioner is elected from each district. The commissioner must reside within the district, but each commissioner is elected by voters of the whole county.
Who are the Cass County Commissioners?
District 1 – Ralph Anderson (Republican). Term runs through 2020. Represents Adams, Bethlehem, Boone, Clay, Harrison, Jefferson and Noble Townships
District 2 – James L. Sailors (Republican) Term runs through 2020. Represents Eel and Miami Townships.
District 3 – Ryan Browning (Republican). Term runs through 2022. Represents Clinton, Deer Creek, Washington, Jackson, Tipton Townships.
Who are the candidates for county commissioner in November 2020?
District 1
Ruth Baker (Republican)
Kenny Reese (Democrat)
District 2
Mike Stadjuhar (Republican)
Vicki Byrd (Democrat).
Mike Stajduhar currently holds the office of County Council 3rd District through 2022.
Find more info about the Commissioners at https://www.co.cass.in.us/administration/commissioners.
The county commissioners currently meet on the first Monday of the month at 1 p.m. and the 3rd Monday of the month at 9 a.m. in the commissioners hearing room at the Cass County Government Building.
The county council is defined as the fiscal body.
Their powers are determined by the General Assembly and include
- approving and fixing annual operating budgets of all county government offices and agencies;
- establishing salaries, wages, per diems, and other compensation for all county officials and employees;
- Fixing tax rates and establishing levies on all county property for the purpose of raising funds to meet budget requirements in conducting county business, as well as authorizing the borrowing of money in the form of bonds and notes;
- appropriating public funds, i.e., authorizing the expenditure of county money by particular officials or departments for specific purposes;
- authorizing certain purchases or sales of county owned land;
- performing non-binding review of civil units’ budgets within the county and comparing growth rates of civil units with non-farm income growth.
Who are the members of the Cass County Council?
District 1 – David Redweik (Republican). Term runs through 2022.
Represents Adams, Bethlehem, Boone, Clay, Harrison, Jefferson and Noble Townships
District 2 – Grover Bishop (Republican) Term runs through 2022. Resresents Logansport Precincts 1-7 and Eel West
District 3 – Michael Stajduhar (Republican). Term runs through 2022. Represents Logansport Precincts 8-15 and Eel East
District 4 – Brian Reed (Republican). Term runs through 2022. Represents Deer Creek, Jackson, Miami, Tipton and Washington Townships.
At-Large – Bruce Ide (Republican), George Stebbins (Republican), Tracy Williamson (Republican). Terms run through 2020.
Who are the County Council candidates in November 2020?
* current officeholder
At-Large (3 seats)
Dean Davenport (Republican)
Bruce Ide (Republican)*
Tracy Williamson (Republican)*
Emily Sawyer (Democrat)
Malcolm Dean Jarrell (Independent)
J. Bryon Stephens (Independent)
Find more info about the Commissioners at https://www.co.cass.in.us/administration/council
The county council currently meets on the third Friday of the month at 9 a.m. in the commissioners hearing room at the Cass County Government Building.
The county auditor is a Constitutional Office and is part of the county’s finance team, along with the county treasurer and county assessor.
The auditor serves as secretary of the board of county commissioners and clerk to the county council.
The auditor is responsible for keeping accounts and issuing checks for the county.
The auditor prepares tax duplicate that show the value of property and taxes assessed against each taxpayer.
After taxes are collected by the treasurer, the auditor distributes them to the governmental units and agencies for which they were collected.
The auditor also prepares plats that show the ownership and assessed valuation of each parcel in each township in the county.
The auditor serves as county “comptroller,” keeping accounts, issuing warrants, developing financial analysis and cash flow projections and assisting with budget preparations. The auditor is defined by Indiana code as the fiscal officer of the county, and must prepare and file an annual financial report with the State Board of Accounts.
The auditor is elected to a four year term of office and is limited to two terms or eight years of service in a period of 12 years.
Who is the Cass County auditor?
Cheryl Alcorn (Republican). Term runs through 2020.
Who are the candidates for Cass County auditor in the November election?
Cheryl Alcorn (Republican) is unopposed in the November election.
Find more information about the Cass County Auditor at https://www.co.cass.in.us/departments/a-d/auditor.
The county treasurer is a Constitutional office that works with the offices of auditor and assessor as part of the county’s finance team.
The county treasurer is responsible for collecting taxes and may order the sale of real property to pay delinquent taxes.
The treasurer receives distributions of local income and other taxes collected by the state.
The treasurer has custodial and investment responsibility for all taxes and other revenues collected by county government.
The treasurer works with the auditor to insure proper distribution of funds.
The treasurer also serves on the County Board of Finance with the County Commissioners.
The treasurer is elected to a four year term of office and is limited to two terms or eight years of service in a period of 12 years.
Who is the Cass County treasurer?
Kathy Adair (Republican). Term runs through 2020.
Who are the candidates for Cass County treasurer in the November election?
Cindy Howard (Republican) is unopposed in the November election. She currently holds the office of Cass County Recorder through 2022.
Find more information about the Cass County treasurer at https://www.co.cass.in.us/departments/r-z/treasurer
The surveyor must prepare, maintain, and keep in their office a legal survey record book showing maps of each section, grant tract, subdivision or group of such areas in sufficient detail so that the approximate location of each such legal survey may be shown.
If the surveyor is registered as a land surveyor under IC 25-21.5, he or she maintains a corner record book.
If the surveyor is not a registered land surveyor, the surveyor, with the approval of the commissioners, appoints a registered land surveyor to keep the corner record book.
If the surveyor is a civil engineer, the surveyor supervises all civil engineering work of the county. If the surveyor is not a civil engineer, the commissioners must appoint a civil engineer for each project.
The surveyor supervises all legal ditch construction and serves as an ex officio member of the county drainage board and the county plan commission.
The surveyor is elected to a four-year term on which no term limits are imposed.
Who is the Cass County surveyor?
Josh LeDonne (Republican). Term runs through 2020.
Who are the candidates for Cass County surveyor in the November election?
Josh LeDonne (Republican)
Andrew Vinson (Democrat)
Find more information about the Cass County Surveyor’s Office at https://www.co.cass.in.us/departments/r-z/surveyors-office.
Clerk of the Circuit Court, sometimes referred to as county clerk, is a Constitutional office. County clerks serve as non-partisan administrators of state election law and as administrators to the judiciary.
The clerk has the responsibility of making sure elections run smoothly. The clerk receives filings of candidacy from those seeking certain elected public offices, and issues certificates of election candidates to successful local candidates. The clerk is an ex-officio member and secretary of the county election board and is a member of the clerk of the county board of canvassers. The clerk appoints the other members of the county election board and the board of canvassers.
The county clerk makes sure all election polling sites meet state and federal guidelines and ensure that election workers are trained.
The clerk maintains all records of the court, and issues summonses and subpoenas to witnesses ordering them to appear in court.
The clerk issues marriage licenses, maintains oaths of offices and keeps a record of all judgements, orders and decrees of the court.
The clerk must also certify and attest to transcripts of court proceedings involving title to property, the imposition of prison sentences and in all court cases where a complete court record is required.
The clerk draws the names of prospective jurors for juries and issues summonses to prospective jurors.
The clerk collects court costs, fines and money judgements levied by the court and pays the money from money judgements to the person or entity entitled to the judgement. The collection of child support is a major responsibility of the clerk’s office.
The Clerk of Circuit Court is elected to a four year term of office and is limited to two terms or eight years of service in a period of 12 years.
Who is the Cass County clerk?
Beth Liming (Republican). Term runs through 2020.
Who is the candidate for Cass County clerk in the November election?
Destry Richey (Republican) is unopposed in the November election.
The coroner is a Constitutional office whose chief responsibility is to determine the cause of death in cases involving violence, casualty, unexplained or suspicious circumstances or when the person has been found dead. The coroner alerts and obtains investigative assistance of law enforcement having jurisdiction in the area. After determining the cause of death, the coroner files a death certificate with the local health officer.
Who is the Cass County coroner?
Randy Rozzi (Democrat). Term runs through 2020.
Who are the candidates for Cass County coroner in the November election?
George Franklin Jr. (Republican)
Angela (Angie) Zeck (Democrat)
Find more information about the Cass County coroner at https://www.co.cass.in.us/departments/a-d/coroner.
2020 Candidates for Galveston Town Council Member at Large (2 seats)
Samuel Q.A. Levine – Republican Party
Todd A. Fry – Democratic Party
Town council members serve as the legislative and executive body for the Town of Galveston.
2020 Candidates for President and Vice President of the United States
Donald J. Trump / Michael R. Pence (Republican)
Joseph R. Biden / Kamala D. Harris (Democrat)
Jo Jorgensen / Jeremy (Spike) Cohen (Libertarian)
Offices are currently held by Donald J. Trump / Michael R. Pence (Republican) and are 4-year terms.
2020 Candidates for Indiana Governor and Lieutenant Governor
Eric Holcomb / Suzanne Crouch (Republican)
Woodrow (Woody) Myers / Linda C. Lawson (Democrat)
Donald G. Rainwater II / William E. Henry (Libertarian)
Offices are currently held by Eric Holcomb / Suzanne Crouch (Republican) and are 4-year terms.
2020 Candidates for Indiana Attorney General
Todd Rokita (Republican)
Jonathan Weinzapfel (Democrat)
Office is currently held by Curtis Hill (Republican) and is a 4-year term.
All 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives will be elected in 2020. Indiana has 9 Congressional Districts. Cass County is in District 4.
2020 Candidates for United States Representative District 4
District 4 includes Benton, Carroll, Cass, Clinton, Fountain, Hendricks, Jasper, Montgomery, Newton, Putnam, Tippecanoe, Warren, and White counties, and parts of Boone, Howard and Morgan counties
Jim Baird (Republican)
Joe Mackey (Democrat)
The office is currently held by Jim Baird (Republican) and is a 2-year term. .
25 of Indiana’s 50 state senate seats will be elected in 2020.
2020 Candidates for State Senator 18th District
Indiana Senate District 18 includes Cass, Fulton, Miami and portions of Carroll, Kosciusko and Marshall counties.
Stacey A. Donato (Republican)
Laura Fred-Smith (Democrat)
Office is currently held by Stacey A. Donato (Republican) and is a 4-year term.
All 100 seats in the Indiana House of Representatives will be elected in 2020.
Candidates for State Representative 23rd District
Ethan Manning (Republican)
Office is currently held by Ethan Manning (Republican) and is a 2-year term. 23rd District represents portions of Cass, Fulton and Miami Counties.
All 100 seats in the Indiana House of Representatives will be elected in 2020.
2020 Candidates for State Representative 25th District
Donald J. Lehe (Republican)
Alex Sabol (Democrat)
Office is currently held by Donald J. Lehe (Republican) and is a 2-year term.
25th District represents portions of White, Cass, Carroll, Clinton and Tippecanoe Counties
All 100 seats in the Indiana House of Representatives will be elected in 2020.
2020 Candidates for State Representative 38th District
Heath R. VanNatter (Republican)
Tom Hedde (Democrat)
Office is currently held by Heath R. VanNatter (Republican) and is a 2-year term.
38th District represents portions of Cass, Howard, Clinton and Carroll Counties.
Three school board members will be elected for each K-12 corporation serving Cass County: Logansport, Lewis Cass, Caston and Pioneer. There is a contested race for Lewis Cass, District 2. Find more info about school board races at https://www.casscountyonline.com/2020/09/2020-school-board-elections-in-cass-county-indiana/
Find info on when and where to vote in Cass County in the Nov. 3, 2020 election at https://casscountyonline.com/2020/09/2020-general-election-voting-information/
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