Independent Living, Assisted Living, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Home Health and Hospice Programs and Resources in Cass County, Indiana
Last Updated on June 8, 2024 by Cass County Communication Network

With generous support from United Way of Cass County, we’ve compiled the following information from a variety of sources. This list will be updated as information changes or as we receive information about programs and services.
If you represent an organization or program that is not listed and would like to be, please e-mail us.
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Neal Home
A senior catered living residence for both men & women.
2518 George Street, Logansport, Logansport
(574) 753-3920
Neal Home Facebook page
Pleasant Escape
Boutique senior living that also provides assistance with things such as home-cooked meals, housekeeping, laundry, and medication reminders.
1339 Pleasant Hill, Logansport
Pleasant Hill Website
Assisted living facilities provide housing that provides nursing care, housekeeping and prepared meals as needed.
Cedar Creek of Logansport
3901 High Street, Logansport
(574) 739-2134
Woodbridge Health Campus
602 Woodbridge Avenue, Logansport
(574) 626-4119
Woodbridge Health Campus Website
In-patient rehabilitation and treatment centers staffed with trained medical professionals.
Camelot Care Center
Camelot Care Center offers 24-hour skilled nursing care for children and young adults in Logansport, Indiana.
1555 Commerce Court, Logansport
Camelot Care Center Website
Chase Center
2 Chase Park, Logansport
(574) 753-4137
Chase Center Website
Miller’s Merry Manor
200 26th Street, Logansport
(574) 722-4006
Miller’s Merry Manor Website
Woodbridge Health Campus
602 Woodbridge Avenue, Logansport
(574) 626-4119
Woodbridge Health Campus Website
In-home health care or supportive care provided by a professional caregiver in the individual home where the patient or client is living.
Angels of Mercy
6 Chase Park, Logansport
(574) 753-5890
Angels of Mercy Website
Comfort Keepers
2515 E. Market, Logansport
(574) 626-4336
Comfort Keepers Website
PhysioCare Home Healthcare and Hospice
PhysioCare Website
Servant’s Heart Home Health Services
1714 Dividend Drive, Logansport
(574) 739-1776
Servant’s Heart Services
Senior Helpers
724 Spencer Street, Logansport
(574) 306-4325
Senior Helpers Website
Hospices provide the highest level of specialized care that focuses on the quality of life for people and their caregivers who are experiencing an advanced, life-limited illness. Hospice care provides compassionate care for people in the last phases of incurable disease so that they may live as fully and comfortably as possible.
Guardian Angel Hospice
2500 George St., Logansport
(800) 338-4043
Guardian Angel Hospice Website
Heart to Heart Hospice
1 Cass City Center Suites 214-217, Logansport
(574) 336-2059
Heart to Heart Hospice Website
PhysioCare Home Healthcare and Hospice
PhysioCare Website
Area Five Agency on Aging and Community Services
When you need help with food, financial assistance, healthcare, medications, long-term care options, mental health services, transportation, and more – Area Five Agency can help point you in the right direction. Their counselors will assess your needs and link you to the best programs and resources available. They serve individuals of any age, disability or income level with referrals to agencies in a six county service area that includes Cass County as well as Fulton, Howard, Miami, Tipton and Wabash Counties.
1801 Smith Street, Logansport
574-722-4451 or 1-800-654-9421 ext. 520
Area Five Website
211 is an information and referral service that provides information on a wide variety of resources. Call 2-1-1 or visit in211.org.