CCRN taskforce brings Community Supported Agriculture to Cass County

Last Updated on March 4, 2015 by cassnetwork

Cass County area residents can now sign up for a membership in a CSA, or Community Supported Agriculture program, offered by Silverthorn Farm of Rossville. Membership entitles participants to a broad range of fresh picked, chemical-free produce delivered weekly.

CSA’s have become increasingly popular in recent years as consumer demand for local, sustainably produced foods has surged.  The CSA concept benefits farmers by providing cash flow early in the production period, and while members assume production risks, they are relatively assured of fresh foods and can claim the satisfaction of knowing where and how they were produced.

After choosing a level of participation from $200-$800 (value-added, e.g. the $800 level is a $920 value), members place orders online from the farm’s availability list and then pick up their produce on Thursday afternoons from 3-5:30 at Bodyworks in Logansport.  Members are not obligated to take weekly delivery, have the option of choosing only the produce items they want, and have up to two years to redeem their investment.

Eat FRESH Cass County, a task force operating within the Cass County Resource Network, has been instrumental in making the local CSA a reality.  Information on Silverthorn Farm, sign-up, and FAQ’s are available at the farm’s website:

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