Cass County Animal Control Information
Last Updated on September 3, 2023 by Cass County Communication Network
The following news release was issued on September 1, 2023 by the Cass County, Indiana Sheriff’s Department on behalf of the Cass County Commissioners:
Cass County Commissioners and the City of Logansport have had an agreement sharing resources for animal control for several years. Cass County provides all equipment and vehicle while the City of Logansport provides the animal control personnel for staffing.
Cass County and the City of Logansport have been working together for over 2 years to arrive at a viable solution for the housing of aggressive, lost or abandoned animals. This work was a result of the Cass County Humane Society (doing business as Pets R Us) being at capacity and unable to accept animals when needed.
Cass County recently reached an agreement with Vohne Liche Kennels in Denver, Indiana.
The City of Logansport is continuing to utilize the Cass County Humane Society (doing business as Pets R Us) for lost or collected animals.
As a result of this new agreement, all canines found or collected outside of the City of Logansport by Cass County Animal Control will be taken to Vohne Liche Kennels unless the animal can be immediately returned to the identified owner.
The animal will be held by Vohne Liche Kennels for up to fifteen (15) days.
After the 15-day period passes and if the animal has not been claimed, it will become the property of Vohne Liche Kennels.
If your canine escapes from you or becomes lost, please post your lost animal on social media. You can also contact Cass County Central Dispatch at 574-722-6060 to be connected with the Cass County Animal Control Officer. The Cass County Animal Control Officer will work with the administrators of the lost animal/pets Facebook page to post located canines. A release for your canine will be provided to allow retrieval from the contracted kennel if appropriate.
SOURCE: News release from Cass County Sheriff on behalf of Cass County Commissioners

RELATED POST: Info from Cass County Humane Society (doing business as PETS R US)