MCF’s PLUS Unit donates money to local youth group
Last Updated on July 19, 2015 by cassnetwork
Miami Correctional Facility’s Purposeful Living Units Serve group donated $1,550 to help support the youth of Main Street United Methodist Church of Logansport.
The youth group will use the money to travel with the Rev. Damon Soper to the Icthus Music Festival in Kentucky. This is an annual four-day festival in July featuring many Christian bands and guest speakers. The trip is one of the highlights of the youth group’s calendar.
The youth group members hold fundraisers to subsidize the trip. “It is truly a life-changing event for the youth and their chaperones,” Pastor Soper said.
The group’s motto for ministry is “MUD: Making Us Disciples.” The check was presented to the group by Unit Team Manager Sean Moore, and Acting Assistant Superintendent Jennifer Fiscel. “The men of the PLUS Program are delighted to contribute to the youth of our community to help inspire good character, healthy morals, and strong faith. These are the same objectives in which the PLUS Program was founded.<