State Auditor Crouch visits Cass Co. Auditor
Last Updated on July 30, 2015 by cassnetwork
State Auditor Suzanne Crouch visited Cass Co. Auditor Vaneen Ide and her staff Wednesday during the most recent stop in her state-wide county auditor Transparency Tour.
“Keeping in touch with county officials and ensuring that we are all on the same page helps increase efficiency and accountability at local and state levels,” Auditor Crouch said. “There are 92 county auditors in Indiana, and each of them is crucial to the function of their county’s government.”
This meeting continued Auditor Crouch’s quest to visit every county auditor in an effort to improve communication between counties and the state and share with them the importance of government transparency at the State and local level.
“My goal is to find out what we can do at the State level to support and empower great officials like Auditor Ide. She is a perfect example of a public servant who understands the needs of her county and goes above and beyond to ensure that she is serving her community well.”
SOURCE: News release from Indiana Auditor of State