CCCF announces new match incentive for growing endowment funds

Last Updated on October 25, 2015 by cassnetwork

Cass County Community Foundation President Deanna Crispen has announced a unique match incentive offer for existing and new endowment funds.

“We are excited to announce that up to $100,000 is available for a new matching program to build existing endowments and to encourage establishment of new endowments,” Crispen said. “From now until year-end, every dollar donated to endowment funds will receive fifty cents in match money.  This means that any individual, family, or organization establishing a new scholarship fund, designated or donor-advised endowment, or adding to an existing endowment will see their gift grow immediately.”

“This is a great opportunity for families to come together and start “Family Legacy Funds” she said. A “ Family Legacy Fund” is a fund established by one or more members of a family to honor or memorialize their family in a real way in our community. The fund can benefit any legitimate charitable purpose and can involve multiple family members in the process.  A “Family Legacy Fund” gives family members both today and in the future an opportunity to be philanthropists and make a difference forever.”

The minimum gift required to start a new endowment fund through this match opportunity is $4000 which will be matched with $2000 from the foundation.

There is a maximum limit of $20,000 per fund.  Funds will be matched, on a first-come, first-served basis through December 31, 2015 or until the match money is exhausted. Gifts to CCCF Unrestricted Endowments continue to receive a $1 for $1 match.

For more information about creating a new fund and taking advantage of this match opportunity, contact the Cass County Community Foundation at 574-722-2200.

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