GET TO KNOW: Confluence Running Club

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Last Updated on January 20, 2016 by cassnetwork

We want people to know about all the great things our community has to offer, so we’re inviting every business, organization and program in Cass County to be featured on Cass County Online.  All you have to do is tell us about yourself.

Today’s featured organization is the Confluence Running Club, a group of local runners connecting for the betterment of one another and the community.

For the last 20+ years, small groups of runners have been meeting all over Logansport and Cass County for group runs. Since December of 2014 many of the groups have merged together inadvertently and almost accidentally creating the Confluence Running Club.

It’s FREE! (No membership dues, your dues are paid in sweat) and it is for everyone! We have all levels of runners in the club, Many just starting and some that are running in some of the biggest races in the world. We all had to start the same way, and we all benefit from running with and learning from others.

Once you find us your possibilities are endless. You may just learn from others talking about running on the page or you could join in your first group run, or even plan a group run yourself! Your level of involvement is up to you, there are no requirements to be a part of the community.

EVERYONE in the club is a key member, there are no officers or board of directors or and ranking system. It’s a simple group that has had great impact on the community.

We have grown from 4 members to over 80 in just about a year, we have had group runs with as few as 3 people and our large group was over 60 people. We have members in their teens and a few 60+ years old. We run on trails in the woods, we run on roads. We do 5k’s, half marathons and marathons and even Ultra Marathons! We often travel to races together and meet after for social gatherings. Join us!

Find more information on the Confluence Running Club.

Cass County Online