Logan’s Landing receives Endangered Places Grant

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Last Updated on January 24, 2016 by cassnetwork

Photo by Judi Barr
Photo by Judi Barr

Indiana Landmarks has notified Logan’s Landing that their recent application for a $2500 Efroymson Family Endangered Places Grant has been approved.  This funding will be matched by $500 from Logan’s Landing.

This grant funding will be used to update a feasibility study performed several years ago of the Cass County Memorial Center (Memorial Home) located at 706 E Market Street in downtown Logansport.  Renovation of this property is a priority of the City of Logansport, and having an updated feasibility study is a necessary first step to apply for grant funding for the renovation itself.

Logan’s Landing is a non-profit organization dedicated to making Cass County’s downtown between-the-rivers district a viable place to operate a business, a rewarding place to live, and a fun place to visit.  For more information, contact Logan’s Landing at 722-9345 or lldirector@loganslanding.com

SOURCE: News release from Logan’s Landing

Cass County Online