Logansport honors 2nd “Bicentennial Citizen”
Last Updated on January 31, 2016 by cassnetwork
A former Indiana legislator who is a Sagamore of the Wabash recipient has been bestowed the honor of being Logansport’s second “Bicentennial Citizen of the Week.”
Bob Sabatini, who served in the Indiana General Assembly from 1989 to 1992, was named Friday as a recipient.
“Before he was a legislator, many people remember Bob as an Indiana State Policeman of the Year,” Mayor Dave Kitchell said Friday. “Bob was known for his detective work in Cass, Fulton and Miami counties.”
Sabatini, a Logansport High School graduate, was a football standout who was successfully recruited by Michigan State during its glory years of the 1960s. Upon Sabatini’s return to Logansport, he worked in the Cass County Sheriff’s Department before joining the Indiana State Police force. After his legislative terms ended, he served one term as sheriff.
During his career in the Indiana House, Sabatini carried legislation in Indiana that changed police car flashing lights to dual blue-and-red flashing schemes, a concept that has been adopted nationwide as a way to accentuate police cars from other red lighting on commercial signs, fire trucks and ambulances.
Each week, Logansport will honor a current resident or Logansport native who has received statewide or national acclaim. The award is presented in connection with Indiana’s Bicentennial.
SOURCE: News release from Mayor Dave Kitchell