Ivy Tech sets additional Parent Night in Kokomo
Last Updated on February 7, 2016 by cassnetwork
KOKOMO, Ind. — After a standing-room-only response in January, Ivy Tech Community College’s Kokomo Campus is scheduling an additional Parent Night to help parents of area high school seniors get ready for life after graduation. The session is planned for 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016 at the main building at 1815 E. Morgan St.
At Parent Night, participants can choose from a schedule of 15-minute break-out sessions where Ivy Tech staff members will be available to answer questions. Session topics include:
- Paying for College 101: Tips, tricks, strategies to minimize student debt
- Transfer Pathway: Transfer options for those pursuing bachelor’s degrees
- Accelerated Associate Degree (ASAP): Complete a two-year Liberal Arts degree in 11 months
- Dual Credit: Putting to use the Ivy Tech credit your student is already earning
The evening will include information about the admission process and a tour of the Kokomo campus.
“Parents understand a college education is a huge investment – in money, time and effort,” said Marcia Worland, executive director of Marketing & Communications for Ivy Tech’s Kokomo Region. “We had a great turnout for our January Parent Night and want to make sure everyone who is interested has the opportunity to learn more about the options available to their children as they get ready to graduate from high school.
“Parents and their seniors have a lot of big decisions to make to be sure the investments they make pay off. It’s critical that they know and understand all their options,” she continued. “The Parent Night program is designed to give parents the information they need to guide their children to choose options that are the right fit – financially, academically and socially.”
At Ivy Tech, available options range from short-term certificate programs that move grads right into the workforce, to degrees and credits that transfer to four-year colleges, to courses as a visiting student in the summer to stay on track for on-time completion and save money at another school. The Parent Nights offer an opportunity to explore the options right here in local communities — at Indiana’s community college.
“And if your student is saying, ‘I’m taking a year off,’ it’s even more reason to attend!” Worland added, noting the relationship between postsecondary education at any level and success in the workforce.
Those interested in attending should sign up with Sarah King, assistant director of admissions, by email at sking16@ivytech.edu .
“Whether your student is considering ways to get hands-on training to get into the workforce as soon as possible, planning for an associate degree or looking forward to advanced education, Ivy Tech has options you as a parent should know about,” Worland said. “It’s not too early, or too late, to have those important discussions about opportunities – and their benefits and costs. In fact, now is a great time for those conversations to intensify as the last semester of high school gets under way.”