Logansport’s 3rd Bicentennial Citizen named
Last Updated on February 5, 2016 by cassnetwork
A very special Special Olympian has been named the third recipient of a new city award.
Jessica Crook, 36, who won a gold medal in swimming at the International Special Olympics in Beijing, is the first female recipient of the Logansport Bicentennial Citizen of the Week Award. The award is presented to Logansport residents or natives who been recognized statewide or nationwide for their accomplishments.
“In Jessica’s case, she has been recognized worldwide for her competitive spirit as a Special Olympian,” Mayor Dave Kitchell said Friday. “Her success is not only a testament to her family, but the dozens of local Special Olympics volunteers who support the Special Olympics not only at the local level, but the national level.”
Crook, 36, currently resides in South Bend where she is employed at Logan Industries.
She has competed in basketball, swimming, horseshoes, golf and bocce in Special Olympics and attended the nationals in 2005 where she won three gold medals and one silver.
In 2007, she swam in China where she competed in the butterfly, relay and individual medley She won the gold in the butterfly and bronze in relay.
She served as a global messenger for Special Olympics in 2010 and traveled to Washington where she was a lobbyist for rights for handicapped Americans.
Crook will receive an Indiana flag and a certificate.
The award is presented weekly as part of Logansport’s observance of Indiana’s Bicentennial.
SOURCE: News release from Mayor Dave Kitchell