United Way of Cass County celebrates 2015 achievements
Last Updated on February 28, 2016 by cassnetwork
United Way of Cass County held its annual meeting and victory celebration at the State Theatre on Thursday, Feb. 25, 2016.
The big news: The organization raised more than $550,000 in 2015, including its first individual contribution at the Tocqueville level of $10,000 or more, from Cindy & Tim Konich. United Way’s funded agencies and programs include 2-1-1 Information & Referral, American Red Cross, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Cass County, Boy Scouts Sagamore Council, Cass County Council on Aging, Cass County Family YMCA, Cass County Reading Railroad, Cass County Resource Network, Food Finders Food Bank, Girls Scouts of Northern Indiana Michiana, Backpack Programs, Peak Community Services and The Salvation Army.
Other big news:
Joyce Mayhill is retiring after 19 years as the United Way of Cass County’s executive director. She plans to spend more time with her family and pursue an opportunity through her church, Revolution Community Church. Her last full-time day is March 31.
Casey Jones will be the the president of United Way’s board of directors and Liz Loposser will be the campaign chair for 2016.
Carmen Danhauser was honored as United Way’s Volunteer of the Year.
A. Raymond Tinnerman received the organization’s first Live United award.
Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc. received the Pacesetter Award.
The organization marked the 10th anniversary of Cass County Reading Railroad and honored Scott Kraud, who’s been a founding partner of the organization since its creation.