Free trees available to Logansport residents for Earth Day 2016
Last Updated on March 8, 2016 by cassnetwork

As part of the city’s Indiana Bicentennial activities, the city will provide 200 free seedlings next month for planting on Earth Day, April 22.
“We’re making the trees available not only because of the conservation benefits of trees, but the beautification of our community,” Mayor Dave Kitchell says. “We know there are many neighborhoods where older trees have died or been removed, and there are some gaps in the city where trees should be planted.”
Kitchell said if there is strong demand for the seedlings, the city may offer free trees again next year.
While the Bicentennial Tree Program is not connected with an urban tree program the city is sponsoring downtown, it will give residential areas a chance to complement the pallet of fall colors throughout the city.
Among the trees available will be red pine, black oak, black walnut, burr oak, cherrybark oak, persimmon, red oak, river birch, scarlet oak, tulip tree, white oak, chestnut oak, American plum, flowering dogwood, hazelnut, pawpaw and butternut.
Trees may be reserved by emailing mevanich@cityoflogansport.org or by mailing requests to the Mayor’s Office, Room 201, 601 E. Broadway, Logansport, IN 46947.