Logansport City Council will consider repealing Clymers ordinance

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Last Updated on March 26, 2016 by cassnetwork

A four-mile jurisdictional fringe for the Logansport Municipal Utilities that led to legal action involving the state regulatory commission may be repealed.

Logansport City Council members will meet at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday to consider recommending a resolution that would repeal a 2014 council ordinance creating a fringe authority for LMU that would extend southwest of the city to the unincorporated community of Clymers.
Controversy over the impact of the ordinance led to legal action involving Cass County officials. The Cass County Commissioners and current Mayor Dave Kitchell sought and received a delay in any action by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission until Kitchell took office Jan. 1.
Councilman Dave Morris, who chairs the City Council Utility Committee, has called the meeting. If the committee recommends the resolution, it would be considered by the full council at its April 4 meeting.
Kitchell said Friday he has discussed the situation with Cass County Commissioners President Jim Sailors for several weeks and is confident the issue can be resolved without further litigation or mediation.
“It has cost the city and county, which means city taxpayers have been hit twice in the pocketbook for the legal costs,” Kitchell said. “I think Commissioner Sailors and I are in agreement that LMU will eventually benefit from the extension of water and possibly sewer lines to Clymers in a way that will benefit not only the industrial customers southwest of the city, but the community of Clymers as well.”
SOURCE: News release from the office of Logansport Mayor Dave Kitchell
Cass County Online