Office of the Governor Outlines Lieutenant Governor Nomination and Confirmation Processes

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Last Updated on March 1, 2016 by cassnetwork

SJE-Updated-Headshot_mdYesterday, the Office of Governor Mike Pence outlined the Lieutenant Governor nomination and confirmation processes, as addressed in Article 5 of the Indiana Constitution, following the official resignation of Lieutenant Governor Sue Ellspermann Monday morning. Article 5, Section 10(b) of the Indiana Constitution reads, “Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of Lieutenant Governor, the Governor shall nominate a Lieutenant Governor who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote in each house of the General Assembly and hold office for the unexpired term of the previous Lieutenant Governor.”

  • ellspermannPursuant to IC 5-8-3.5-1(a),  Lieutenant Governor Ellspermann delivered both a written notice of her resignation and a copy of her resignation letter to Governor Pence to the Principal Clerk of the House of Representatives and the Principal Secretary of the Senate. Following receipt, the Principal Clerk and the Principal Secretary will file a copy of the notice with the Secretary of State.
  • Within 72 hours of the receipt of the notice of the resignation, the Principal Secretary of the Senate and the Principal Clerk of the House will provide notice of the vacancy to the Governor, pursuant to IC 5-8-3.5-1(b).
  • Lieutenant Governor Ellspermann’s resignation letter, notice of resignation filed with the Secretary of State’s office, and the Notice of Vacancy delivered to the Governor will be read across the desk of the House of Representatives and Senate to place the documents into the official record.
  • A vacancy in the Office of the Lieutenant Governor will exist on March 2, 2016 beginning at 5 p.m.
  • ericholcombAfter Lieutenant Governor Ellspermann’s resignation is effective on March 2, 2016 at 5 p.m., Governor Pence will nominate Eric Holcomb as her successor in a message to both Senate President Pro Tempore David Long and House Speaker Brian Bosma. The Governor is expected to send a written message, which will include Holcomb’s affidavit affirming compliance with constitutional eligibility requirements to become Lieutenant Governor, Wednesday evening.
  • The Governor’s message and Holcomb’s affidavit will then be read across the desk of the House and Senate.
  • Once the Governor’s message and Holcomb’s affidavit have been entered into the House and Senate record, the nomination will be confirmed through roll call votes on simple resolutions introduced by President Pro Tempore Long and Speaker Bosma in each chamber. The confirmation vote is expected to occur during the morning of Thursday, March 3.
  • Following the vote, the Senate will send a message to the House notifying them of the confirmation vote, and the House will send a message to the Senate notifying them of the confirmation vote.

Upon confirmation, the swearing-in ceremony is planned for March 3.

SOURCE: News release from the Office of the Indiana Governor

Cass County Online