Civic Players needs musicians, additional chorus for “Big City”

Last Updated on April 13, 2016 by cassnetwork

bigcity_bicentennialThere is still time to be involved in Civic Players of Logansport’s spring musical, “Big City.” Additional singers are needed for the chorus, and men’s voices are especially needed.  For information, contact Director Lorien Stair-Spicer at by email or through Facebook message.  Musicians are also needed for the pit orchestra; contact Music Director Gina Gaumer at by email or through Facebook message.

This show was first produced 15 years ago, and was written by Logansport residents Sam Piercy and Jerron Spencer.  It is being reprised in 2016 in celebration of Indiana’s Bicentennial, and this production has been declared an official Bicentennial Legacy Project by the State of Indiana.  Set in a bustling metropolis during the age of swing, this production is a comic-book style, family-friendly comedy about a clueless private detective hired to find a missing person, while dealing with local mobsters.

Show dates are June 17-18-24-25 at McHale Performing Arts Center on the Logansport High School campus.
Come join the chorus or pit orchestra, and be a part of Indiana’s Bicentennial celebration!

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