Curb, sidewalk program launched by City of Logansport

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Last Updated on April 6, 2016 by cassnetwork

Logansport residents who want to improve their properties will again be able to take advantage of a city incentive program.

The 50 percent matching program for sidewalk and curbing improvements has begun. Local residents can pick up an application in the Street Department Office at 612 Race St. The office is open from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. weekdays.

Completed applications will be reviewed by the city’s curb and guttering contractor, Louthain & Associates, which will provide cost estimates to property owners.

The program will run until funding is exhausted.

Logansport Mayor Dave Kitchell said he hopes property owners take advantage of the program because it increases property values and improves the city’s infrastructure.

“This is particularly a good program to promote neighborhood development because families want to live in places where there are safe sidewalks where children can play and ride tricycles or big wheels.”

Kitchell said he is considering asking the city council to approve a similar matching program for alley paving. Though many alleys in the city are paved, the city has no incentive plan in place. Property owners who want to pave or repave their alley should contact the adjoining property owners and find out if they are interested in sharing paving costs. Once that is secured, they can call the Street Department to arrange for a price quotation with the city’s paving contractor, Central Paving. If there is a paving agreement, checks for the amount due must be made payable to the City of Logansport and submitted to Clerk-Treasurer Stacy Cox’s office on the second floor of the City Building.

SOURCE: News release from Logansport Mayor Dave Kitchell

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