Logan’s Landing organizing Downtown Green & Clean Day

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Last Updated on April 13, 2016 by cassnetwork

Volunteers gathered at the Depot before Downtown Green & Clean Day on Saturday, April 18, 2015. Photo by Phill Dials
Volunteers gathered at the Depot before Downtown Green & Clean Day on Saturday, April 18, 2015. Photo by Phill Dials

Downtown Logansport will be green and clean, thanks to our crew of volunteers! Logan’s Landing is recruiting volunteers to help pick up litter, sweep, weed and trim, and generally spruce up the downtown district on Saturday April 30 from nine to noon. Volunteers may be individuals, families, or teams from businesses, churches, clubs or other organizations. Volunteers are asked to bring their own yard work tools and gardening gloves with them. Register today by e-mail (lldirector@loganslanding.com) or phone, 574-722-9345, and give an hour or two of your time to make our downtown district an area we can all be proud of.

Let’s all help make downtown Logansport Green and Clean!

Cass County Online