New Logansport Lions Club to be chartered
Last Updated on April 2, 2016 by cassnetwork
During the week of April 4-8, 2016, members of the Indiana District 25C Lions will be visiting our town. They will be extending invitations to be charter members of the new Logansport Lions Club to community minded men, women and college students…the people in our town who want to make difference and make our town a better place to live.
In 1925, Helen Keller asked Lions to be “knights in the crusade to end the darkness of the blind”. Lions accepted her challenge and since then have been known throughout the world for their efforts to save sight and reverse the causes of blindness.
The Logansport Lions Club could provide assistance to many. Many Lions Clubs do food drives to alleviate hunger; give scholarships for further education; provide Leader Dogs for the blind; assist with hearing aids and glasses; and support local youth. With help from the Indiana Lions Foundation and the Lions Clubs International Foundation, these Lions might also be able to purchase playground equipment, build ramps for the handicapped, and provide other support for our community.
The Logansport Lions will serve and have a fun time doing it! Would you like to join them! It’s great to be a Lion! It’s not too late to be a charter member of the Logansport Lions Club.
For more information contact: Lion Pat Short at 765-743-3160 or email lionpatshort@aol.com
The first organizational meeting of the LOGANSPORT LIONS CLUB will be Thursday, April 7, 2016 at noon in the Trine University Conference Room , 421 E. Broadway, Logansport, IN 46947.
SOURCE: News release from Logansport Lions Club