Secretary Lawson reminds voters that Primary Election Day is approaching
Last Updated on April 25, 2016 by cassnetwork
INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana’s Primary Election is right around the corner. Tuesday, May 3rd is Primary Election Day and the polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time. If you can’t make it to the polls on Election Day, plan ahead and vote early. (You can find voting times and locations for Cass County here.)
“Voting is a right that many have fought for; please don’t take it for granted,” said Secretary Lawson. “It is every American’s duty to make their voices heard on Election Day by casting a ballot. Our democracy depends on an active and engaged electorate, so do your part and vote.”
Early voting is going on now. You can cast your ballot by going to your county clerk’s office. Some counties have additional early voting locations. To find out where you can vote, check online at IndianaVoters.com or download the Indiana Voters app on your smartphone or tablet. Early voting in the clerk’s office ends Monday, May 2 at noon.
You can also view who is on your ballot at IndianaVoters.com or on the Indiana Voters app. All voters are encouraged to research who will be on their ballot. (See who’s on the ballot in Cass County here.)
“I encourage you to look at all of the candidates who will be on your ballot and to research each one before voting,” said Secretary Lawson. “In presidential election years, the candidates at the top of the ticket often get all of the attention, but all of the candidates on the ballot affect our lives.”
*Below is a link to a video of Secretary Lawson encouraging Hoosiers to vote and reminding them that Election Day is May 3, as well as a video testing Hoosiers’ knowledge of the election. Please feel free to use these videos in any of your coverage or on your social media accounts.
SOURCE: News release from the Office of Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson