GET TO KNOW: Cass County Amateur Radio Club

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Last Updated on May 2, 2016 by cassnetwork

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cc_amateurradioThis week’s featured organization is the Cass County Amateur Radio Club. You can find them online at

The CCARC is non-profit club organized in 1953 to promote amateur radio. Meetings are open to the public and are held at the EMA building on SR 17 at 9 a.m. on the 3rd Saturday of the month (unless there is a scheduling conflict). The club operates 3 repeaters and also operates during Field Day each year. The club also has a Yahoo group at

Amateur radio is a great hobby. Within it, there are many different areas, something for everyone. One only needs a Technician class license to get started. For less than $100 a person can be on the air. As you gain knowledge and interest you can upgrade to a General class and finally the Extra class license. Upgrades to the General & Extra class license gives the amateur more operating privileges. Amateurs are encouraged to join the ARRL as it has many benefits. Just search “ARRL” to learn about it.

If you like tech stuff, amateur radio may be well suited to you. It’s a great way to see if you are interested in electronics, broadcasting, communications. Self study is one way to get started, followed by a 35 question test which isn’t difficult. Once you pass the test it’s just a matter of making application to the FCC. There is no age limit to becoming a ham, you can get started at any age. Classes are available and the CCARC would sure like to help out.

You can get an amateur license for as little as $15. License manuals are about $30 more.For that price, you get a life-long hobby and great educational info that could lead you to a career. Some handheld radios are under $30. Like any hobby, you can spend great sums of money, but that is up to you.

The club members are the key players in the organization.  The more you put into it the more you will get out of it. Most amateurs are willing to help anyone wanting to get started in amateur radio. For more information, e-mail club member Mike Laird or visit

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