Hoosiers should be aware of weather while enjoying outdoor activities and events

Last Updated on May 25, 2016 by cassnetwork

INDIANAPOLIS – Severe weather is possible in Indiana through Memorial Day. The Indiana Department of Homeland Security urges Hoosiers to be aware of weather conditions as they enjoy outdoor activities and events.

Inclement weather forecasts vary across the state, and weather patterns can change rapidly. For information on current weather patterns and potential issues that may impact travel or other plans, rely on local news or weather stations.

Planning and preparation can help keep Hoosiers safe in the event of thunderstorms, high wind, lightning, hail and flash flooding. To stay informed of changes in the weather, especially when enjoying outside events, IDHS offers these easy safety tips:

  • Always check the weather forecast before heading outside for an extended period of time;
  • Download a free weather app on a smartphone and make sure to set up weather alerts;
  • When at your outdoor location, take a moment to identify a safe place to take shelter, should the need arise; and
  • Follow instincts and if changes in the weather appear threatening, be proactive and seek safe shelter and encourage others to do the same.

Seeking shelter in an automobile isn’t always a safe option, as cars can get tossed around during a tornado and windows can break during hail storms.  In a flooding situation, it only takes two feet of water to float a vehicle.

“We have several days in a row where the chance for severe weather exists and, while it’s never good, it’s even more worrisome during an extended holiday weekend with major outdoor events, picnics, boating and swimming,” said IDHS Director of Public Information John Erickson. “We urge Hoosiers to enjoy the holiday, but just keep an eye to the sky for changing weather conditions and put safety first.”

To find out more about preparing for severe weather, visit www.GetPrepared.IN.gov.

SOURCE: News release from Indiana Department of Homeland Security


Cass County Online