Host families needed in Cass County
Last Updated on May 6, 2016 by cassnetwork
For the last thirty years Cass County has opened their homes to international exchange students from around the world. Almost 400 students are proud to call Cass County their second home. The schools in Cass County are looking for additional students for the coming school year. They have discovered everything the students have to offer: the schools, the families and the community. They love being involved in all the school clubs, sports and plays. They do not have an opportunity to participate in these activities in their home country. Simple things like Sycamore Ice Cream, B & K, Bruno’s Pizza, Mr. Happy Burger all have a special meaning to these kids.
I receive messages all the time from former students telling how much they miss this area of the world. We think of this as just a small town with not much to do. To the students this is their second home. Through their eyes they see our community as a caring, loving place they were lucky enough to call home for a year.
In August Youth for Understanding is looking for additional families in Logansport, Lewis Cass, Pioneer and all the other schools in the area to host high school exchange students between the ages of 15 and 18. They are arriving now with full medical insurance, spending money and the hopes to a wonderful year with their new family and community.
The family has to agree to provide the student with a bed of their own, three meals a day and lots of love and support. Families come in many forms, including families with children, childless couples, empty nesters, retirees and single person households. You can select the country, sex and interest of the student. You have the final decision on what student will come to your home. If you are unable to host for the entire year you can agree to be an arrival family for a student. That student will stay with you for up to ten weeks at which time the student will already be involved in school and the community. We can then either find them a new family or if you wish you can keep the student for the year.
To learn more about how to host an exchange student with Youth for Understanding call Sharon Strasser at 574 722-1615 or send an email to sstrasser@yfu.org. Visit YFU at our website at www.yfuusa.org.
SOURCE: Column from Sharon Strasser, Youth for Understanding