Ivy Tech to offer Certified Professional Food Manager Course in Kokomo
Last Updated on May 18, 2016 by cassnetwork
KOKOMO, Ind. — Ivy Tech Community College is offering an instructor-led training course June 6 and 8 to prepare students to take the Certified Professional Food Manager (CPFM) certification exam. The class will meet at the College’s building at 1701 Touby Pike in Kokomo.
Indiana Code 410-IAC7-22 requires mandatory certification of at least one person who oversees the food safety operation within each food establishment. This course will prepare individuals to take and pass the 85-question, multiple-choice certification exam. Participants in this course will study sanitation management, food safety hazards, factors that affect food borne illness, personal hygiene, the use and calibration of temperature measuring instruments, and many more topics.
Upon successful completion of the exam, students will receive a certification and their name will be added to the National Registry of Food Managers. The certification is valid for five years. The course fee is $199 and includes the manual, all materials and the certification exam. The class will meet from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, June 6, and Wednesday, June 8, and will be led by instructor Ed Norris of the Indiana Environmental Health Association and retired inspector and trainer with the Indiana State Department of Health Food Protection Program.
To register for the Certified Professional Food Manager Certification preparatory course or for more information, please contact Susan Turrill at 765-252-5497 or e-mail her at sturrill@ivytech.edu.
Ivy Tech Community College Kokomo Region’s Corporate College, located at 1701 Touby Pike in Kokomo, provides high-quality, cost-effective, short-term, career-relevant training solutions aligned with the needs of today’s employers. Its academic programs and certifications improve its clients’ employability and earnings potential. To learn more about professional development programs available through Ivy Tech’s Department of Workforce and Economic Development, call 765-252-5476, or visit www.ivytech.edu/corporate-college.
SOURCE: News release from Ivy Tech Community College