Milan latest ‘Bicentennial Citizen’ recipient
Last Updated on May 16, 2016 by cassnetwork
A Logansport woman who is among many volunteers that can be credited for making Indiana Special Olympians state champions is this week’s Logansport Bicentennial Citizen of the Week.
Cinda Milan has been one of the main cogs in the local organizing group that enables Cass County residents to compete not only in local Special Olympics, but to compete and win at the state level. Among those Special Olympians is Logansport’s Sam Fawley.
“Cinda has been active in Special Olympics for many years, and the coordination of tournaments, meets and qualifying events is not always an easy thing,” Mayor Dave Kitchell said today. “She and many volunteers like her have had to contend with weather, transportation issues and scheduling, but Cinda and other volunteers have overcome all those obstacles time after time. That continues to enable Logansport to be a Special Olympics destination for much of north central Indiana.”
On Monday, Special Olympics hosted a new field day event at the LHS Stadium. It was funded through a grant from Indiana Special Olympics.
“People like Cinda enhance the quality of life for our disabled residents and their families,” Kitchell said. “She has gone beyond being committed to an event for a few years to making it one of her passions in life, and we appreciate her contributions.”
Cinda will receive an Indiana state flag and a certificate from the Mayor’s Office. Bicentennial citizens are being named weekly in Logansport in conjunction with Indiana’s bicentennial.