Indiana Governor named Vice Presidential running mate

Last Updated on July 26, 2016 by cassnetwork

Indiana Governor Mike Pence

After several days of speculation, Donald Trump tweeted this morning:

I am pleased to announce that I have chosen Governor Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential running mate. News conference tomorrow at 11:00 A.M

Facing a noon deadline, Pence filed the paperwork to remove his name from the ballot for Indiana governor today.  Pence was elected to his first term, as Indiana’s 50th governor, in 2012 and was seeking re-election. The Republican National Convention will be held July 18-21 in Cleveland.

The Democratic National Convention will be July 25-28 in Philadelphia.

The conventions are the party’s formal nominating events for the candidates for President and Vice President.

Donald Trump is the Republican party’s presumptive nominee for President. Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party.

REACTIONS (posted in order received):

Statement by Indiana Lt. Governor Eric Holcomb: “Donald Trump has selected as his running mate a man of unimpeachable integrity, broad experience and a deep love of this country.  Governor Mike Pence’s record of leadership in balancing budgets and supporting a business climate where ingenuity can flourish will be invaluable and needed assets to the country. The governor’s selection also reflects well on the tremendous successes Indiana has achieved over the last 12 years and the Trump/Pence Administration will be great partners as we continue to move Indiana forward.”

Indiana Federation of Young Republicans Chairwoman Abby Weingardt:  “Mr. Trump’s selection of our very own Governor Mike Pence is a victory for not only Hoosiers but Republicans across the country. Indiana’s continued success can be directly attributed to Governor Pence’s dedication to governing with conservative principles. The Indiana Federation of Young Republicans look forward to assisting the Trump/Pence ticket in defeating Hillary Clinton this November so that we can ensure that there is no continuation of Obama’s failed liberal agenda moving forward.”

John Zody, Chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party:  “Mike Pence has spent the past three years focused only on his personal ambition. He has embarrassed Hoosiers, signed divisive and discriminatory legislation into law, and alienated the business community –costing our state money in the process. Unfortunately, that qualifies him as a compatible running mate for Donald Trump, who is out only for himself and running one of the most toxic presidential campaigns in history.

“As he crisscrosses the country promoting Donald Trump, Mike Pence will need to account for his failed record as our governor. This includes the discriminatory RFRA that has cost our economy over $60 million, an anti-abortion law with some of the most outrageous restrictions in the country, and a lagging state economy that is underperforming the national average and our closest neighboring states.”

Indiana Republican Party Chairman Jeff Cardwell: “On behalf of the Indiana Republican Party, I would like to congratulate Governor Mike Pence on becoming the presumptive Vice-Presidential nominee. Throughout his distinguished public service career, Governor Mike Pence has worked tirelessly to make Indiana a national leader in job growth, education, and investments in the Crossroads of America.

“His unwavering commitment to Hoosiers both in his public life as a congressman and Governor and in his personal life as a father and husband, and faithful servant, has been his utmost priority his entire life. As my friend for more than twenty five years, I know that he will be a determined and enthusiastic voice for those who feel the system has left them behind.

“Indiana looks forward to supporting Donald J. Trump and Governor Mike Pence in November and putting two strong conservatives back in the White House.”

Indiana State Teachers Association: Today’s announcement proves what we already knew – that Gov. Pence’s priorities have never been about doing what was best for Hoosiers – he has simply been focused on getting back to Washington.

As Indiana’s governor he’s pushed for divisive and ineffective policies that have only weakened public education and educator morale. He dramatically expanded private school vouchers and unaccountable charters to the detriment of traditional public schools. He rejected $80 million in pre-K funding leaving our most vulnerable without access to early childhood education. He removed authority from the democratically elected superintendent of public instruction and created a dueling state education agency which failed to do anything other than create deeper divisions. And that just scratches the surface.

It’s time for real leadership in Indiana. Educators are tired of the many years of disrespect foist upon them, the smothering of their voices and the inability of policymakers to do what’s best for our kids.

“The stakes are too high to sit back and let another four, eight, twelve years go by in the same direction,” said ISTA President Teresa Meredith. “Now is the time to elect leaders who are focused and committed to doing what’s best for public schools and the more than one million kids in attendance. Their futures simply can no longer be put aside for political purposes and agendas that only deepen the pockets of corporations and private institutions.”

Our kids deserve better and educators across the state will work to ensure that Indiana has dedicated leaders at the Statehouse and the White House.

Ivy Tech Community College President Sue Ellspermann: “This is a great honor for Governor Pence and the state of Indiana. It is a reflection of the fine work he has led in Indiana from job creation, to improving infrastructure, and education. Governor Pence has an incredibly accomplished career both here and in Washington DC and a track record which speaks for itself.  I was honored to serve as his Lieutenant Governor and I wish him well as he seeks to serve America as Vice President.”

Indiana Republican National Committee members John Hammond III and Marsha Coats:  “We congratulate Governor Mike Pence on his selection as our Party’s presumptive Vice-Presidential nominee. He has been fighting for principled and strong conservative solutions throughout his distinguished career, from the House of Representatives to the Office of the Governor. Now, as our nominee’s running mate, he will bring the same dedication that created over 150,000 private sector jobs in Indiana to the task of holding Hillary Clinton and the Democrats accountable for their job-killing policies this November.”


Mike Pence’s withdrawal leaves a Republican vacancy on the ballot for Indiana Governor. Lt. Governor Eric Holcomb, U.S. Representative Susan Brooks and U.S. Representative Todd Rokita filed paperwork today to withdraw from their respective races.

“Now that Governor Pence has withdrawn from the ballot for governor, I am withdrawing from the ballot for Lt. Governor in order to seek the Office of Governor,” Holcomb, who was nominated for and sworn in as Lt. Governor in March, said in a statement issued today.

Rokita issued the following statement:
“I am running for Governor because Indiana has made incredible progress the last 12 years and we cannot afford to go backwards. With less than four months to go until Election Day, Republicans need to nominate a proven winner with a record of executive and legislative success reflecting a positive agenda that Hoosiers can unite around.

Having represented all Hoosiers for eight years as Secretary of State, I begin this race with strong positive name identification throughout Indiana, and a record of reforming government in Indiana to make it better, more efficient and more customer friendly. In Congress, I have worked to cut spending and enact policies conducive to job growth. From writing major laws that revamp federal K-12 education policy, to bringing billions back to Indiana to fund transportation infrastructure to looking out for Indiana’s farmers, our record is strong. We can build a winning campaign on those achievements that will stand as a clear alternative to John Gregg’s backwards looking liberal agenda.

I am asking the members of the Republican State Central Committee for their support. I look forward to a fair and open process with integrity from which a nominee can emerge based on qualifications, experience and most critically, the ability to win this seat and continue the progress of the last 12 years.

I want to congratulate my friend and our Governor Mike Pence on his selection to serve as Donald Trump’s running mate.  Governor Pence brings significant legislative experience and important executive experience to the ticket. Governor Pence has a strong record of advancing policies that have continued Indiana’s economic revival and moved our state so far forward the past 12 years.   Donald Trump has been successful by offering an alternative to the failed policies of President Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Washington political elite. Importantly, Governor Pence’s proven conservative leadership will help unite Republicans, and Americans, around a Trump-Pence ticket. Both Donald Trump, and our nation, will benefit from having Governor Pence as our next Vice President,” Rokita said.

According to the Rules of the Indiana Republican State Committee (IRSC), the Chairman is required to call a “State Committee Caucus” of the IRSC for the purpose of electing a candidate to fill the ballot vacancy within 30 days of when the vacancy occurred. This would be a private, closed door meeting for members only of the IRSC. All votes will be cast by secret ballot. A written 10-day notice is required prior to the date of the meeting. All candidates are required to file a written “Declaration of Candidacy” with the Secretary of the IRSC 72 hours prior to the start of the State Committee Caucus.

There are a total of 22 eligible voters as follows: The District Chair and the District Vice Chair of each of the 9 Congressional Districts and the 4 officers of the IRSC. The RNC Committeeman and Committeewoman are not eligible to vote. Each candidate will be allowed 2 minutes for a person to provide an introduction to the State Committee and each Candidate will be allowed 3 minutes to speak before the Caucus in person. A simple majority of those present is required to secured the nomination. In the case of all eligible voters being in attendance, 12 votes would be required to secured the nomination. In the case of multiple candidates, and no one reaches a simple majority, a second ballot would occur after dropping the candidate with the lowest number of votes. Voting would continue until a candidate reaches a simple majority. – (Source: Indiana Republican Party)

John R. Gregg is running for Governor as a Democrat. Rex Bell is the Libertarian candidate. Adam Adkins and Christopher Stried are also on the ballot as Independents.















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