Miller named “Citizen of the Week”

Last Updated on January 6, 2017 by cassnetwork

Logansport Mayor Dave Kitchell has named a city volunteer a recipient of a new city award that will be presented weekly for the remainder of his administration.

Logansport will have a “Citizen of the Week” to recognize contributions made by local residents and natives. The award replaces the Bicentennial Citizen of the Week Awards presented throughout 2016 as part of the city’s Indiana Bicentennial observance.

The first Logansport Citizen of the Week is David Miller, a retired teacher and former insurance agent who has been active for several years with Cass County Literacy Volunteers.

“David went above and beyond his regular volunteer duties when he worked with Skip Kuker, our former economic development director, to reinstate an adult learning program,” Kitchell said today. “He was a part of that program for many years and understood the significant negative impact the loss of that program would have not only on our community, but on our economic development efforts to maintain and cultivate an educated workforce. Adults now have to be retrained more than ever, and if we had lost that program, it would have been a setback for adults who need that program as a gateway to employment or re-employment.”

Miller will receive a $20 gift certificate to a local restaurant and a certificate from the Mayor’s Office.

SOURCE: News release from Logansport Mayor Dave Kitchell

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