City of Logansport announces 50/50 residential sidewalk & curbing program

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Last Updated on June 29, 2018 by cassnetwork

The City of Logansport is pleased to announce assistance for sidewalk and curbing repairs for Logansport homeowners.

The City will pay 50% of the cost of repairs made by the City’s concrete contractor, M R Louthain and Associates as long as the funding lasts.

The program is a first come/first served basis.

Once the application is submitted, Louthain and Associates will measure and advise the homeowner of their cost.  Upon the homeowner approval, the sidewalk or curbing will be repaired according to the contractor’s schedule.  The contractor will then bill the homeowner and bill the City.

This program is for residential only.  Sorry, businesses are not eligible for this program.

(Update as of 2018: the Logansport Redevelopment Commission now has a program that some businesses may be eligible for).

Applications are available at the Logansport Street Department at 612 Race Street, Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

SOURCE: News release from Logansport Street Department

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