High Street Repaving Project Updates: No parking, westbound lane closed on or after October 22, 2019
Last Updated on November 9, 2019 by cassnetwork
High Street from 3rd Street to 24th Street was repaved in fall of 2019 using state funding obtained through the Community Crossings grant.
The city received $727,000 in funding for the pavement of High Street from Third Street to 24th Street. State funding for the project was matched by the Logansport City Council.
UPDATE AS OF NOV. 9, 2019:
High Street is now open! The road is scheduled to be striped late next week. Please continue to use caution and yield to those working in the area.
UPDATE AS OF OCT. 20, 2019:
Central Paving, Inc. has announced that Phase 2 of the High Street paving project in Logansport is scheduled to begin on or around Oct. 22, 2019. This will be the final phase.
Beginning on or after Oct. 22, 2019, the westbound lane of High Street will be closed from 3rd Street to Davis Road. During this phase, all traffic will flow one direction only, going east. The only streets where traffic will be able to turn north will be 3rd Street, 6th Street, 21st Street & Central Ave.
The work on Phase 2 (westbound lane) is expected to take about three weeks to complete. The timeline is based on weather as well as the amount of patching necessary after the roadway is milled down three inches.
There will be absolutely no on-street parking on High Street from 3rd Street to Davis Road for the duration of the project.
UPDATE AS OF OCT. 9, 2019:
Republic Services will be collecting trash and recycling on Mondays for the High Street residents affected by the street resurfacing. Please place trash totes and recycling bins at curbside prior to 6:00 a.m. on Mondays throughout this period.
Central Paving has announced that Phase 1 of the High Street paving project in Logansport is scheduled to begin on or around Oct. 4, 2019. The project will be done in two phases. La compañía Central Paving, Inc. ha anunciado que la primera Fase del proyecto de pavimentación de la calle High en Logansport, está programada para comenzar alrededor del día 4 de octubre de 2019. El proyecto se realizará en dos fases.
Beginning on or after Oct. 4, 2019, the eastbound lane of High Street will be closed from 3rd Street to Davis Road. During this phase, all traffic will flow one direction only, going west. The only streets where traffic will be able to turn south will be 6th Street and 3rd Street. A partir del 4 de octubre de 2019, el carril este de High Street estará cerrado desde la calle 3 hasta Davis Road. Durante esta fase, todo el tráfico fluirá en una sola dirección, hacia el oeste. Las únicas calles donde el tráfico podrá girar hacia el sur serán las calles 6 y 3.
The work on Phase 1 (eastbound lane) is expected to take about three weeks to complete and will be followed by Phase 2 (westbound lane). The timeline is based on weather as well as the amount of patching necessary after the roadway is milled down three inches. Se espera que el trabajo en la Fase 1 (carril hacia el este) demore aproximadamente tres semanas en completarse y será seguido por la Fase 2 (carril hacia el oeste). La línea de tiempo se basa en el clima, así como en la cantidad de parches necesarios después de que la carretera se tritura unas tres pulgadas.
There will be absolutely no on-street parking on High Street from 3rd Street to Davis Road for the duration of the project. Durante la duración del proyecto no habrá ningún estacionamiento disponible en la calle, desde el cruce de la calle High y la calle 3, hasta Davis Road.
Drivers are asked to use an alternate route if possible and to use extra caution in the area. Se les pide a los conductores que utilicen rutas alternas de ser posible y que mantengan precaución adicional en el área.
UPDATE AS OF JULY 29: Reconstruction of ADA concrete ramps is scheduled to begin Monday, July 29. They will start at 25th Street and work west to 3rd St. Completion is expected to take 2-3 months. For questions, contact Central Paving at 574-722-4727.