Funding available to help Indiana households pay their energy and water/wastewater utility bills

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Last Updated on October 5, 2022 by Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority

Indianapolis – Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch and the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA) have opened applications for Indiana’s Energy Assistance Program (EAP) and Water Assistance Program (WAP). These programs are designed to help households across the state pay their bills and avoid shutoffs, especially during the winter months. Qualified Indiana households can now apply for federal funding to help pay their utility bills. Applications will be accepted until May 15, 2023. 

Energy Assistance Program

IHCDA has been managing the Energy Assistance Program (EAP) since 2006. Community organizations designated by the state, called local service providers, are responsible for client intake and eligibility determination. These community organizations ensure that the program covers all 92 counties in Indiana. Information on LSPs can be found by visiting EAP can help cover utility costs associated with electricity, gas, and a home’s bulk fuel heating source.

Water Assistance Program

Households can apply for water/wastewater utility assistance in the same application as energy assistance. When completing the EAP application, applicants must check a box to apply for water assistance and submit their most recent bill. The same LSPs that administer EAP also administer this program. The water assistance program is a temporary emergency program to help low-income households catch up on their water and wastewater bills during the COVID-19 pandemic, though the program does not require proof of COVID-19 hardship to apply.

Eligibility Requirements

Households that make 60% of the state median income (60 SMI) or less are encouraged to apply for the program. See the chart below for a more detailed breakdown of income eligibility requirements. If a household is unsure if they meet income requirements, they are encouraged to fill out an application with the proper documentation so their eligibility can be determined.


Household Size1 Month3 Months12 Months
1 $       2,318 $         6,954 $       27,827
2 $       3,032 $         9,096 $       36,390
3 $       3,746 $       11,238 $       44,952
4 $       4,459 $       13,377 $       53,515
5 $       5,173 $       15,519 $       62,077
6 $       5,886 $       17,658 $       70,639
7 $       6,020 $       18,060 $       72,245
8 $       6,154 $       18,462 $       73,850
9 $       6,288 $       18,864 $       75,456

How to Apply

Indiana residents can apply online by visiting While there, residents will find a list of local service providers and the various ways to connect with them. Residents can also apply in-person or mail in applications. Households can also call 2-1-1 and ask to be connected to the EAP local service provider in their area.

If residents have a disconnected utility, have received a notice for disconnection, or are almost out of bulk fuel, they should call their local service provider immediately, as they may be eligible for a crisis benefit.

SOURCE: Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority

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