Voorhees announces candidacy for Logansport Mayor
Last Updated on December 29, 2022 by Rich Voorhees
Logansport native and internationally known photographer Rich Voorhees has announced he will run for the Republican nomination for Mayor of the City of Logansport.
“We need a community conversation on the direction of this city. For far too long decisions have been made with little or no public engagement and the result has not always served the residents of the community well.”
The Voorhees administration will re-establish an identity (brand) for Logansport and we have to bring in the kind of projects and outcomes that have broad based community support and foster pride in our city.
We need to continue bringing locally based retail to our downtown, expand our relationship with the agricultural community around us, restore our neighborhoods and re-introduce neighborhood retail and services. Job development needs to align with today’s tech and information careers so our college grads can return back from college and find jobs that match their skill set.
We also need to bring fiscal responsibility and spend wisely on things that have community support. We need to re-evaluate some proposed projects and see if they have community support, or if another direction needs to be taken.
“The mayor has to be the ‘cheerleader’ of the community. I have always been involved in community projects since I was a child. We can do great things we just need to have a real vision for what this community can achieve”.
SOURCE: News release from Rich Voorhees, Republican candidate for Mayor