Cass County EMA receives FEMA grant

Last Updated on January 22, 2023 by Cass County Emergency Management Agency

LOGANSPORT, IN – Cass County Emergency Management Agency has been awarded a federal grant in the amount of $20,304.00 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). These funds are from the Building Resilient Communities and Infrastructure program, and will support development of a county Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Rocky Buffum, Director of the Cass County Emergency Management Agency, was excited to receive the announcement. “This funding, and the development of this plan, can be a gateway to larger hazard mitigation projects and additional funding down the road. Examples of hazards this can be used to address include flooding areas, generators for the emergency shelters without them, strengthening of structures to withstand severe weather, and many other applications.” Buffum added the process will take over a year and will include an analysis of the entire county, including both incorporated and non-incorporated areas.

Applications were submitted last fall thru the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, which vets requests and forwards them to FEMA.

From FEMA:

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) will support states, local communities, tribes and territories as they undertake hazard mitigation projects, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards.

The BRIC program guiding principles are supporting communities through capability- and capacity-building; encouraging and enabling innovation; promoting partnerships; enabling large projects; maintaining flexibility; and providing consistency.

SOURCE: News release from Cass County Emergency Management Agency

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