Spring Sports Signups in Cass County, Indiana

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Last Updated on February 26, 2023 by Cass County Communication Network

Here’s some info from area sports leagues regarding registration for 2023 spring signups:

For ages 5 to 15
8u, 12u and 15u

Register online here by Sunday, March 6 or in-person Saturday, Feb. 11, 2023 from 3:45-7:45 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 25 from 1:30 to 4:45 p.m. at Main Street United Methodist Church, 19 E. Main Street, Logansport. Cost is $70 for the first player from each family, $55 for the second and $35 for the 3rd player. | More info


8U and 12U divisions. $55 per player.

Register online by April 16, 2023 on the Logansport Community Baseball Website

Logansport Community Baseball | Facebook.

13-15 Year old sign up for Logansport Babe Ruth Baseball. Everyone who registers gets placed on a team. $75/player. Register at Logansport Babe Ruth Website by the end of March.


Caston Little League registration is open online at castonathleticleague.com for the 2023 season.

Registration is open until Wednesday, March 1.

From March 2 to March 5, a late fee of $25 will be automatically applied to each player you register. We will not accept any registrations past March 5!

Fees for the year are the same as last year. $50 for teeball and $60 for softball (8u-12u) and baseball (8u-12u). A family discount will be automatically applied as you add your children—1st player is full price, 2nd player is $10 off, 3rd and 4th players are $20 off. The order you add your children does not matter, the price will come out the same regardless. Once you add your first player and submit your payment, you will be given the opportunity to add another player and you will see the discount applied on the next screen.

If you are in need of a sponsor for your child, please text Michelle Boldry at 574-721-2504 as soon as possible.

The registration process is exactly the same as last year. You can use the same login information. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset your password. We CANNOT look up your password or email that you used to register last year for you!

Parent Night will be held on Wednesday, March 22 in the Caston HS Gym at 7 p.m. so be sure to mark your calendar! Other dates for important events are posted on the Caston Athletic League website. You can also subscribe to the website to see updates.


2023 registration is now open!

T-Ball-boys and girls (Ages 4&5. Must be 4 by 4-30-23)

Baseball—league age determined by age on 4-30-2023/
Rookie (6-8), Minor (9-10), and Major (11-12)

Softball–league age determined by age on 12-31-2022.
*We are attempting to create 3 age groups for softball. Please be patient as the board works out details. Stay tuned for this exciting news!

Jr. High Softball--this is no longer affiliated with LCYL. The school has taken on Jr. High softball. You are eligible to play LCYL if you are league age 12 or younger. You are NOT permitted to play both LCYL and the school league, so you must choose one. If you are needing more information on the school league for softball, please contact the athletic office.

If you have a 6th grader that is league age 13, they are still able to play youth league. However, please know that they are NOT eligible to participate in Allstars. 6th grade boys in the past have not been able to participate in junior high boys baseball due to too many participants. We encourage them to participate in youth league so they don’t miss a year of baseball.

Online Registration at www.lewiscassyouthleague.com;

Payment via credit card is required for online registrations.

To pay with cash or check, please message Lewis Cass Youth League Facebook page to make arrangements or mail a form.

A printable form can be found under DOCUMENTS on the website.

Mail completed form with payment to:

Lewis Cass Youth League
P.O. Box 526

Walton, IN 46994

***Save the date for Evaluation Day on Saturday, March 11th***

Your child will only need to attend evaluations if they are moving up in leagues, or if they did NOT participate in the 2022 LCYL season. T-Ball does NOT need to attend evaluations. Evaluation times will be posted on Facebook closer to date.

Registration ends March 9.

Tball registration will remain open until March 31, 2023.

Do not expect to hear from a coach about what team your child is on until the end of March (Tball the beginning of April)

Practices won’t begin until AFTER the Lewis Cass Spring Break.

Save the date for picture day on April 22nd!


Registration for Logansport Soccer Club’s spring 2023 season ends February 28, and the deadline will not be extended. There will be recreational leagues available for players born in 2008 through 2018. Training will begin the week of March 20, and games will be on Sunday afternoons beginning April 2 and ending May 21.

The cost is $55.00 per player. Additional immediate family members may be registered for $40.00. Registration is done online at www.logansoccer.com.

Questions should be directed to Mauro Picardo at 574-702-5531.

Special Olympics will be starting our spring sports of track, swimming, and bocce soon. Any special needs individual, 8 years of age and up, are welcome to join us!! Contact Diann Sedam, county coordinator, for information on registering for each of the different sports. (574.721.1982).

Biddy Sports is a 6-week program that runs March 20-May 8, 2023 at the Cass County Family Y. Games will be played on Monday and Wednesday evenings. This program is designed to teach the basic skills of soccer, t-ball and basketball. This league will focus on teamwork, sportsmanship and character development.

Two sessions – 5-5:30 p.m. and 5:30-6 p.m. Limit 20 kids per session. No sessions on April 17, 19 and 24.

Registration ends March 12. Cost is $30 for members and $45 for non-members.

Volunteer coaches needed.

Contact the Cass County Family Y for more info – 574-753-5141.

LEAGUES: To add your info to this list, you can use this link: https://casscountyonline.com/share-your-news/

Cass County Online