Contracts awarded to winning bids for upcoming Logansport Utilities’ projects
Last Updated on March 1, 2023 by Logansport Utilities
Logansport Utilities has awarded contracts for the upcoming water service line replacement project and multiple combined sewer overflow (CSO) projects.
Thieneman Construction (headquartered in Westfield, Indiana) had the winning bid price for the multi- year CSO projects (011, 012, and Linden Avenue Wet Weather Project) at $16,875,000. A directive from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) requires all CSO projects to be completed by 2026.
Five Star Energy Services, a Waukesha, Wisconsin based underground utility construction company, had the winning bid price for the water service line replacement project for $7,719,960. The water service line replacement project has been mandated by the state and coincides with Logansport Utilities’ commitment to provide safe and reliable water.
Bond requests for the funding of these projects and the other pending projects listed on the utilities’ capital improvement plan and the state’s required “Long-Term Control Plan (LTCP)” were approved by the city council in early February 2023. The total bond request is $128 million which includes contingency funds for each project that will not be recompensed, as well as grant money of 7.1 million being awarded from State Revolving Fund (SRF). An estimated $95 million will be the repayment amount.
Both awarded projects are scheduled to begin this year.
SOURCE: News release from Logansport Utilities