Logansport Utilities gathering waterline material information
Last Updated on March 14, 2023 by Logansport Utilities
Logansport Utilities is updating waterline material records and is asking residents in older parts of the city for their assistance.
The 129-year-old utility company is mailing an instructional letter to thousands of Logansport residents and businesses, largely in the oldest infrastructure parts of the city, asking them to identify their water service line that enters their property and to then send back the information.
The letter has directions on how to identify the material and a form on the back page to fill out.
A stamped return envelope has been provided to mail back the information to Logansport Utilities’ customer service office at 601 E. Broadway. Residents are also able to drop off the form in-person or complete the form and submit the information online on the utility company’s website www.logansportutilities.com.
The waterline material inventory will help assist in the upcoming water service line replacement project, scheduled to start later this year. Grant money in the amount of 7.1 million is being awarded to fund the project by the State Revolving Fund (SRF).
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has mandated all water systems in the state complete an inventory of all water service lines. The deadline for the complete inventory is October 2024.
SOURCE: News release from Logansport Utilities
A sample of the letter (PDF) can be downloaded from the link below: