Most Logansport city parks restrooms open for 2023 summer season

Last Updated on April 7, 2023 by Logansport Parks and Recreation Department

The Logansport Parks & Recreation Department is pleased to announce that the restrooms are now opened in the Logansport City Parks. However, Riverside Park’s restroom has experienced a water line break, so it is closed until it has been repaired. Drinking fountains will open at a later date when repairs are completed.

Additionally, basketball court lights at Muehlhausen and Riverside Parks will turn on at approximately 7:30 p.m., and turn off at approximately 10 p.m. Adjustments will be made as daylight increases throughout the evening hours.

Questions can be directed to the Parks at 574-753-6969 or e-mail at .

SOURCE: News release from Logansport Parks and Recreation Department

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