Cass County Multi Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee to Hold public meeting January 17, 2024
Last Updated on January 11, 2024 by Cass County Emergency Management Agency
LOGANSPORT, IN – On Wednesday, January 17, 2024 at 1 p.m. the Cass County Multi Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee will hold a public meeting at Ivy Tech Community College, 1 Ivy Tech Way, Logansport. This meeting will include reviewing all data and input received so far, as well as a draft hazard mitigation plan for Cass County, Indiana.
Following completion of the plan and any revisions, the plan will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency for review and approval. All of the jurisdictions which participated in the planning process will also have the opportunity to review and pass a resolution of adoption.
Multi Hazard Mitigation Plans are updated on a five year planning cycle, so the next revision process will begin in 2029. The plan supports, and does not replace, other plans which are updated more frequently such as the County Emergency Operations Plan or the Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Plan.
Having a current and approved Multi Hazard Mitigation Plan is required for communities to be eligible for certain hazard mitigation grant programs, and can also be a factor in eligibility for certain types of post disaster assistance. The county, city, incorporated towns, school corporations and certain special districts within Cass County were invited to participate.
Those wishing to submit input and feedback ahead of the meeting, or those who are unable to attend the meeting, may still email comments to ema@co.cass.in.us. Additionally, EMA can be contacted at 574-722-2484 to ask questions or provide input. The January 17 meeting is open to the public.
SOURCE: News release from Cass County Emergency Management Agency