Trail Talk: Issue 19: Changes Over Time

Last Updated on May 17, 2024 by Friends of the Panhandle Pathway

Here’s an update from the Friends of the Panhandle Pathway, which runs through Pulaski and Cass Counties:

The photos below show the positive changes that have occurred in the last 14 years with the arrival of the Panhandle Pathway.

2-26-12: Looking South from Main St. in Winamac

4-5-19: Looking South from Main St. in Winamac

4-19-24: Looking South from Main St. in Winamac

What do people say about the Panhandle Pathway? Here is a statement from an area resident:

“When we moved to our current home 14 years ago, we were a little concerned about the traffic on the Panhandle Pathway and what that might mean to our privacy/safety. But in all these years the pathway has been a delight to use and to observe others enjoying themselves. We appreciate the great job of maintenance the volunteers do all year round, and we don’t mind doing our part to keep our little strip well maintained as well. Once in a while some friends stop in for a chat when we’re out in our garden or yard—just don’t interrupt Bill while he’s mowing, it’s a big job and he’s easily distracted by good conversation!” said Bill and Sue Peppers

Have something to say about the Panhandle Pathway? Please share:

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