Hoosiers encouraged to limit risk, take precautions with high temps expected

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Last Updated on June 10, 2016 by cassnetwork

INDIANAPOLIS – High temperatures are predicted in Indiana over the coming weekend and into next week. As temperatures hit new heights on Saturday, so do the risks for heat-related illnesses.

Emergency medical professionals with the Indiana Department of Homeland Security are encouraging Hoosiers to take heat-safety precautions.

“Excessive exposure to temperatures above 90 degrees increases the risk of heat-induced illnesses, such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke,” said Dr. Michael Olinger, State Emergency Medical Services Director. “These can be life-threatening conditions, and Hoosiers should take precautions to protect themselves and their families.”

Heat exhaustion occurs when a person can’t replenish the amount of hydration lost during extended periods of sweating. Heat stroke occurs when a person’s internal temperature regulation system fails.

Dr. Olinger suggested that Hoosiers be aware of heat-illness symptoms, know how to prevent such problems, and take action right away if problems occur.

Prevent Heat Problems:

  • Water: Drink plenty of water. Avoid carbonated or alcoholic beverages.
  • Rest: Take frequent breaks during outdoor activities, and try to avoid activities during the hottest part of the day.
  • Shade: Stay indoors to limit exposure to the sun. Check on family, friends, and neighbors who do not have air conditioning and who spend much of their time alone.

Watch for Symptoms:

  • Dizziness, nausea, fatigue;
  • Cool, clammy or flushed skin;
  • Profuse sweating;
  • Raised body temperature;
  • Muscle cramps.

Act Quickly if Heat Illness is Suspected:

  • Don’t hesitate to call 911;
  • Use ice packs or cold wash cloths to help bring down body temperatures;
  • Provide non-carbonated sports drinks when available;
  • Provide drinking water;
  • Move people to cooler areas and have them rest.

Help Pets:

  • Bring pets inside during hot weather (some local laws may even require it);
  • Make sure pets have plenty of water;
  • Don’t leave pets in vehicles, even for a minute.

For more heat safety tips, visit www.GetPrepared.in.gov.

SOURCE: News release from Indiana Department of Homeland Security



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