Various appointments announced by Logansport city administration

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Last Updated on December 16, 2016 by cassnetwork

Three members of the Logansport Redevelopment Commission will continue to serve in their capacities next year. Commission President Scott Kraud and members Suzanne Chilcott and Brannon Meagher all have been reappointed to one-year terms on the commission.

“We’re fortunate to have three people with their backgrounds in manufacturing, finance and municipal government on the commission,” Mayor Dave Kitchell said Tuesday. “This is one of the best redevelopment commissions in Indiana because the members bring a depth of knowledge to their positions that have allowed them to hit the ground running on so many important issues. As our Tax Increment Financing projects proceed, they’ll continue to play critical roles in economic development and community development.”

The commission is committed to providing off-site funding for the proposed Logan Square project downtown along with Streetscape improvements. It may also be tapped to provide funding for the renovation of the Cass County Memorial Center.

Several other appointments also have been announced.

Lynne Ness, who was appointed to fill out an unexpired term last year, has been appointed to a four- year term on the Logansport Parks and Recreation Board. She is a Republican, and the wife of Democrat City Councilman Joe Ness.

Rick Galloway of Logansport was reappointed to another one-year term on the Cass County Alcohol Beverage Commission.

Bill Cuppy was reappointed to another term on the Cass County Visitors Bureau Board.

All the appointments are effective Jan. 1.

SOURCE: News release from Logansport Mayor Dave Kitchell

Cass County Online