Caston Receives Lilly Counseling Planning Grant
Last Updated on January 25, 2017 by cassnetwork
Caston School Corporation has received a $30,000 grant from the Lilly Endowment in the first phase of the Comprehensive Counseling Initiative for Indiana K-12 Students. Lilly has awarded $9.14 million in planning grants to 284 public school corporations and charter schools in Indiana.
With the $30,000 grant, the Caston School Corporation Counseling Advisory Committee will spend the next three months collecting and analyzing data, assessing the current counseling programs, identifying best practices, visiting promising programs and engaging community partners in the process.
In addition to the evaluation of the current programming, Caston School Corporation will utilize grant funds to pursue Indiana Gold Star Counseling status and RAMP, (Recognized ASCA Model Program), status. These accreditation processes partner Caston Schools with experts in the field of school counseling that provide a framework to assess and then implement new changes to the counseling programs.
The three- month planning period will lead to the completion of the Lilly Counseling Initiative Implementation proposal that will be submitted in May 2017. If Caston is awarded funds from this competitive grant, the funds will be used over a four-year period to improve counseling services for Caston students.
Julia Ashbaugh, Caston High School Counselor had this to say about the grant opportunity, “I am excited for this opportunity to study our counseling program and work to ensure that we are meeting the needs of all of our students.”
SOURCE: Press release from Caston School Corporation