View the full moon at IUK Observatory Open House

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KOKOMO, Ind. —Stargazers may view a full moon this month at the Indiana University Kokomo Observatory open house.

Patrick Motl, associate professor of physics, will open the session at 8 p.m. Sunday, March 12, with a discussion of the recently-discovered TRAPPIST-1 solar system, and give an update on recent searches for a hypothetical ninth planet in our outer solar system.

After the talk, those attending may view the moon, along with planets Venus and Mars, through the Observatory’s two telescopes, a six-inch Takahashi refracting telescope and a 16-inch Meade reflecting telescope mounted together. The Takahashi provides exceptionally sharp images of planets, while the Meade allows viewers to see fainter objects in the sky, due to its larger light collecting area.

The winter hexagon will be high in the sky at the start of the open house, and Jupiter will rise later in the evening. Weather permitting, viewing will continue until 10 p.m.

The open house is free and open to the public in the Observatory, 105 E. Rebecca Lane. Free parking is available on campus.

SOURCE: News release from Indiana University Kokomo

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