Day camps at Indiana University Kokomo promote science, creativity, health and fitness

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Last Updated on April 28, 2018 by cassnetwork

KOKOMO, Ind. —Who says learning ends when the school year is over?

At Indiana University Kokomo, students from kindergarten through high school can enjoy hands-on educational experiences in health and fitness, science, and writing and creativity during the summer, led by faculty and students. The women’s volleyball team also will host a camp.

Mark Canada, executive vice chancellor for academic affairs, said the camps offer a fun learning experience for area children.

“IU Kokomo has served the community with summer camps for years, and we’re delighted to expand the number of our camps this year,” he said. “Thanks to these camps, children all over the region can take advantage of great learning opportunities over the summer, while having fun.”

In addition to the long-running School of Nursing health camps, and Science Rocks! Camp, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences will debut its Think, Imagine, Create camp, leading students as they write and perform their own plays, and the School of Nursing will add a Nurse for a Day program.

The humanities and social sciences camp is in the morning, with science in the afternoon, so students could potentially attend both.

In the athletic department, the women’s volleyball team will offer camps June 18 to 21 for students entering grades 8 to 12, and June 20 and 21 for those in grades 3 to 7.

Register online for all academic camps at For volleyball camp, go to

Day camp offerings include:

Health Camps: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 11 to June 15 at Jackson Morrow Park, 4200 S. Park Road. Students in the School of Nursing serve as counselors at this camp, supervised by faculty. Children ages 6 to 13 participate in sports, group activities, and arts and crafts.  There are three educational sessions to choose from, including FIT camp, to learn about healthy eating and fitness; KIDDS Kamp, for children with diabetes; and Camp Eeze-the-Wheeze, for children with asthma. Cost is $20, and camperships are available.

Think, Imagine, Create: June 11 to June 15, 8 a.m. to noon, IU Kokomo Main Building, 2300 S. Washington St. During this program for seventh and eighth graders, students will consider questions such as “Why is it OK to kill a cockroach, but not a butterfly?” or “What’s the difference between natural and human-made?” leading up to creating plays about their potential answers. This free camp is made possible by grants from the Community Foundation of Howard County and Indiana Humanities. Registration deadline is May 21, and a maximum of 20 campers will be accepted. Students will be notified by May 28. Camp dates are the same as Science Rocks! so students could attend both. For more information, contact Joe Keener at or 765-455-9372.

Science Rocks! 1 to 5 p.m. June 11 to June 15, IU Kokomo Hunt Hall, 2300 S. Washington St. Students will work on exciting projects in biology, health sciences, chemistry, geology, and physics, led by science faculty and teaching assistants. The free camp is funded with a grant from the Area Health Education Centers of North Central Indiana. Registration deadline is May 21. Camp dates are the same as Think, Imagine, Create, so students could attend both. For more information contact Patrick Motl at or 765-455-9731.

Nurse for a Day camp: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 11 and June 23. Free for high school students. Potential future nurses are invited to spend the day practicing nursing skills hands-on in the campus simulation lab, learning how to draw up medications, give injections, start an intravenous line, practice CPR, and place a naso-gastric tube. The day also includes preparing lunch with a dietician and learning health care phrases in Spanish. For more information contact Tammy Ledbetter at or 765-271-2822. Registration is due May 21.

Volleyball camp: For grades 8 to 12, students may register for clinics in setting, attacking and blocking, passing, and defense, June 18 and 19. Cost is $30 per camper for one clinic, $50 per camper for two, $75 for three, and $100 for four. Players in grades 3 to 7 can participate in an all skills clinic June 20 and 21, for $40. All sessions will be in Cougar Gym, 507 E. Superior St., Kokomo. Coach Heather Hayes also offers on-site satellite camps. For more information contact Hayes at or 765-455-9472.

Indiana University Kokomo serves north central Indiana. 

SOURCE: News release from Indiana University Kokomo

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