Parents Who Host Lose the Most
Last Updated on April 18, 2018 by cassnetwork
Have you seen the saying Parents Who Host Lose the Most? If so, do you understand what it means? April is Alcohol Awareness Month and we at Youth Services Alliance (YSA) would like to help the community understand just what can happen when you furnish alcohol to minors.
We have all heard that drinking too much alcohol increases people’s risk of injuries, violence, drowning, liver disease, and some types of cancer. But did you know that the earlier you begin use the more complications you will have? Not only health complications, but possible dependency issues may arise. The brain is not fully developed until you are 25 years old! When drinking is delayed until age 21, a child’s risk of serious alcohol problems is decreased by 70%! Our youth deserve to live and grow to adulthood in an environment where alcohol is not misused. They may think it is fun or won’t hurt them, but think of what will happen to their underdeveloped brains. The younger they start the more likely they will have dependency issues on that and possibly other substances.
Alcohol is most commonly referred to as a “gateway drug” because of the fact that youth start using this before they start using other substances. Youth do not start with Heroin or Meth. They start with tobacco or alcohol.
This prom and graduation season, we encourage you to educate yourself and your loved ones about the dangers of drinking too much. Educate our children on the dangers and what may happen if they drink at a young age. Let’s be unified in our message, and host alcohol-free parties with fun and healthy activities to show our youth that we care about their future.
To spread the word and prevent alcohol abuse, YSA is joining other organizations across the country to promote the Parents Who Host Lose the Most campaign. Not only is it unsafe to furnish youth with alcohol, it is also illegal and you can be prosecuted.
Hosting, or even allowing an underage drinking party on your property could result prosecution and you could face up to six months in jail, a $1,000 fine, loss of property, civil liability or worse. As a parent, you cannot give alcohol your child or child’s friends, under the age of 21, under any circumstance, even in your own home, even with their parent’s permission. You also cannot allow any person under 21, to remain in your home or on your property while consuming or possessing alcohol because you will be held liable.
Why risk our children’s safety and health for something that is illegal and could result in legal actions? It’s not hard to host safe, fun parties this prom and graduation season without alcohol. Lets keep our children and ourselves out of trouble.
More information about Parents Who Host, Lose the Most: Don’t be a party to teenage drinking and Drug Free Action Alliance is available at www.DrugFreeActionAlliance.org.
Also visit Youth Services Alliance website for this campaign and other resources that may help you or your family: http://ysainc.org/
SOURCE: News release from Nikki Malott, Youth Services Alliance