Scott chosen Citizen of the Week

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Last Updated on July 1, 2018 by cassnetwork

A familiar face for decades at the Logansport Parks and Recreation Department offices is this week’s recipient of a special city honor.

Kathy Scott, who manned the parks office through several parks administrators and mayoral administrations, is this week’s Logansport Citizen of the Week.

“Logansport was truly fortunate to have Kathy’s commitment for so many years to her post with the parks department,” Mayor Dave Kitchell said Friday. “Through her efforts, administrators, parks boards and city administrations were able to make transitions and serve the public seamlessly. For some people, government jobs are a paycheck. For her, it was a calling, and she is an example of former city employees who wanted the best for the city and strove to provide it for taxpayers and their families.”

The Citizen of the Week is sponsored by the Mayor’s Office and recognizes Logansport natives or residents who contribute to the community or are recognized for their achievements. Recipients received a certificate of appreciation from the city and a $20 gift certificate

SOURCE: News release from Logansport Mayor Dave Kitchell

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