Parmeter named “Citizen of the Week”
Last Updated on November 6, 2018 by cassnetwork
It takes dozens of dedicated volunteers, poll workers and election officials to make a democracy happen, and one of the familiar faces in Cass County is recognized this week for her years of commitment.
Jan Parmeter of Logansport has been named Citizen of the Week for her years of ensuring voters can cast a ballot at polling locations or the Cass County Government Building where she is stationed this year.
“Jan is an example of the many people who may never run or hold an elected office, but who want to contribute to the process as Americans,” Mayor Dave Kitchell said today. “Voting can be a stressful thing for people, especially those who are new to the process or new to a voting precinct. Jan is among the many people we have in Cass County who gladly take on that responsibility of making elections happen.”
The mayor said the jobs of election officials have taken on more duties in recent years with early voting. While it lengthens the time schedule for election officials, early voting has made it easier for more people to get to the polls and participate, and that is advancing voter rights, he said.
The Citizen of the Week is presented by the Mayor’s Office to Logansport residents, natives or former residents for contributions to the community. Winners receive a $20 gift certificate to a local restaurant and a certificate from the Mayor’s Office.
SOURCE: News release from the Office of Logansport Mayor Dave Kitchell