Pioneer Regional Schools move to remote learning August 31 – Sept. 3, 2021

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Last Updated on August 30, 2021 by Cass County Online

Pioneer Regional School Corporation announced Monday, August 30 in a letter sent to all parents and guardians that it will move to remote learning from August 31 – Sept. 3, 2021.

“Unfortunately, we are currently getting hit hard with positive cases and quarantines in both staff and students,” said Pioneer Superintendent Chuck Grable. “We currently have a high number of staff members out that are positive or with symptoms. Due to the number of staff members out and lack of substitute teachers, we are struggling to cover classes and supervision duties. We also have a high number of students out in both buildings.”

Grable says that since it is primarily due to the number of staff currently out, all after school athletics and extracurricular activities (ECAs) may continue at this time, but practices are voluntary and students will not be penalized if they do not have a ride to practice.

The letter states that social distancing and masks are strongly encouraged.

If a child begins to have symptoms while on remote learning, parents or guardians are asked to immediately call the school nurse to report those symptoms.

Grable says they will re-evaluate the situation and provide an update on Friday, Sept. 3.

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