Logan’s Landing says thanks for help with 2022 downtown cleanup
Last Updated on May 24, 2022 by Logan's Landing
On Saturday, April 30, 2022 Logan’s Landing held our annual “Downtown Green & Clean Day.” More than 70 dedicated volunteers donated a few hours of their time on a somewhat chilly Saturday morning to pick up litter, sweep, pull weeds, rake, and generally spruce up our community. We collected more than twenty bags of trash, 1 bin of recyclables, and multiple bags of yard waste – and swept lots of sand off sidewalks! Now that downtown Logansport has gotten a good spring cleaning, it is our hope that our citizens and visitors will be inspired to help keep it clean and inviting.
Special thanks to the following: event chair Mark Hartman and Logan’s Landing board members Diana Brown, Vickie Lebo, and Nikki Reid; Cass County Communication Network and the Pharos-Tribune for helping us get the word out, as well as taking photos and video of the event; and to representatives of the following teams: Armstrong Mobile Blasting, Cross-Wind Church & Boy Scout Troop 200, Fountain of Life Homeschool Support Group, the Holliman Family, the Kleckner for Commissioner Committee, Logansport Utilities, the LSB Junior Board, the Mayorga Family, Midwest Eye Consultants, the Penz Family, Security Federal Savings Bank, and several individuals and groups of friends for volunteering their time and efforts to make Logansport a community we can all be proud of.
Let’s all help keep Logansport green and clean!
SOURCE: News release from Logan’s Landing