MASK POLICY UPDATE: Masks required at Logansport Memorial Hospital effective Friday, Nov. 4 at 9 a.m. – Friday, Nov. 11, 2022 at 9 a.m.

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Last Updated on November 4, 2022 by Logansport Memorial Hospital

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently issued new guidance for healthcare facilities across the country about masking requirements for COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Logansport Memorial has consistently followed the CDC’s guidance and
recommendations on how to keep our patients safe while in our care. With this new guidance, our mask policy and requirements will align with the CDC’s most current recommendations. Updates to the mask policy will be shared each week, based on the changing community transmission levels being monitored by the CDC.

😷 Effective Friday, November 4, 2022 at 9 a.m. – Friday, November 11 at 9 a.m.:
MASKS ARE REQUIRED at Logansport Memorial Hospital, for staff, patients and visitors. Cass County is in HIGH Community Transmission, as shown in 🔴RED on the CDC’s data tracker map.

Community transmission is the measure that will be monitored by the CDC and that will determine if masks are required or not at Logansport Memorial Hospital. Community transmission describes the amount of COVID-19 spread within a county. It illustrates how many people are positive in the community, by noting the number of new positive cases reported in the county over the last seven days.

The CDC’s community transmission map will be updated every week, by Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST. The data and map will be reviewed by Logansport Memorial’s COVID-19 Incident Command Team, to inform and decide whether or not masks are required at Logansport Memorial Hospital effective the very next day (Friday) of each week.

  • If the community transmission rate is low, moderate, or substantial: no masks are required.
  • If the community transmission rate is high, masks are required for everyone (patients, visitors, and staff).

The CDC’s community transmission map to be updated weekly can be found here:

Be sure to choose “Community Transmission” in the Data Type drop-down box, then click on the state of Indiana, and then find and click on Cass County.

Please be aware that patients and visitors may still be asked to wear a mask if you are symptomatic, even during times of low, substantial, or moderate transmission. All visitors to patients should be healthy, with no symptoms of respiratory illness.

Please be understanding and flexible in following this new mask policy, based on the most current guidance from the CDC.

Other helpful CDC resources on COVID to reference or remember:

SOURCE: News release from Logansport Memorial Hospital

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